Inside my head there are thoughts. The thoughts are shiny. Their orange shiny-ness shows through in my hair.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Reader Response: Church Dogmatics ch III (4)
In support of his sixth point about Scripture, Barth offers some brief notes on two key Biblical passages, 2 Timothy 3:14-17 and 2 Peter 1:19-21. Since these passages feature prominently in much discussion of the doctrine of Scripture, it seems worth pausing to see what Barth does with them. Note that he is not here offering a full exposition, but a reading of these two important Scriptures in support of his theological conclusions.
First, Barth points out that both passages have to do primarily with the Old Testament, "but according to the fundamental meaning of the two authors in whom they are found, the expressions can and ought and must be applied to all the witnesses of revelation and therefore to the New Testament witness as well." (504) It is helpful to have this stated up front; I think many treatments of these verses (especially the 2 Timothy passage) make this move surreptitiously, or perhaps just presuppose it. But there is actually an important theological move being made when we class the NT witness alongside the OT - we are claiming that they are both the same thing, united in being a witness to Christ. It is because both these passages speak of the OT in terms of its witness to Christ that it is possible to make this move here.
When it comes to 2 Timothy 3:14-17, it is obviously striking to Barth that the text has both a backward and a forward reference. Timothy is pointed back to his childhood acquaintance with the Scriptures and reminded of their formative influence on him. But then he is encouraged to look ahead, to what the Scriptures are able to do in terms of completing his formation and giving him all he needs to serve in the church. "Scripture was able and it will be able..." (504) - that corresponds to Barth's motif of recollection and expectation. Timothy is to continue in the Scriptures, in recollection of what they have shown themselves to be for him, and in expectation that they will show this again.
In the centre of this recollection and expectation stands the crucial sentence: all Scripture is inspired (or breathed out) by God. Barth understands this to mean that "all, that is the whole of Scripture is - literally: 'of the Spirit of God,', i.e., given and filled and ruled by the Spirit of God, and actively outbreathing and spreading abroad and making known the Spirit of God." (504) Or, in other words, "...the Spirit of God is before and above and in Scripture..." (504). This is quite obviously a broader understanding of what is implied by the word usually translated 'inspired'. On the one hand, Barth does not want to get pulled into a debate about the nature of inspiration - he sees the statement as "an underlining and delimiting of the inaccessible mystery of the free grace in which the Spirit is present and active before and above and in the Bible", and therefore not as something that can be parsed as a precise doctrine. On the other hand, he is unwilling to restrict this description of the relationship between God and Scripture to a particular point, as if it had only to do with the production of the texts that we have - he sees it as describing also (and the word 'also' is important here) the ongoing relationship of the Spirit to the Bible. It is on the basis of this ongoing work that Timothy can approach the Bible with expectation that it will again be to him what it has been in the past.
The treatment of 2 Peter 1:19-21 is much briefer, and essentially makes the same points: we are called to continue to be attentive to the prophetic witness because of its relationship to the Holy Spirit. To my mind, Barth does not engage as much as I would like him to with the fact that these verses clearly do lay great stress on the Spirit's role in the production of Scripture, which seems to push back a little on his emphasis in his notes on 2 Timothy 3. The other fundamental point made here is about the exposition of Scripture: we must "allow it to expound itself, or... to control and determine our exposition" (505). This is because it comes from the Spirit and not men, and therefore is not open to our manipulation - and here, perhaps, we see the link again to Barth's emphasis on the ongoing presence of the Spirit in Holy Scripture.
"The decisive centre to which the two passages point is in both instances indicated by a reference to the Holy Spirit, and indeed in such a way that He is described as the real author of what is stated or written in Scripture." (505) Barth wants to be clear that this does not mean that the human authors were not real authors - "there can be no question of ignoring their auctoritas and therefore their humanity" - but nevertheless "they speak in the place and under the commission of Him who sent them" (505). For Barth, the theopneustia, the inspiration, of these authors consists precisely in this commission. In their human freedom, they think and speak and write in obedience to their commission, and therefore under the lordship of God. They function, then, as true witnesses. This is not to be restricted to their writing, but describes their being in so far as they are commissioned witnesses to revelation. "In what they have written they exist visibly and audibly before us in all their humanity, chosen and called as witnesses of revelation, claimed by God and obedient to God, true men, speaking in the name of the true God, because they have heard His voice as we cannot hear it, as we can hear it only through their voices." (505-6)
It is in recollection that in their voices the voice of God has been heard, and in expectation that this will be the case again, that the people of God are called to be the people of Holy Scripture.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Climate change, responsibility, and the sovereignty of God
God is in control, and he is able to preserve the world;
we are stewards, with a responsibility to do what we can to care for the world;
and in the end the Lord Jesus is coming back to renew the world.
Monday, July 18, 2022
Reader Response: Church Dogmatics ch III (3)
I mentioned that Barth initially makes six points as he begins to navigate the meaning of 'Scripture as the Word of God'. The first we looked at in detail, but can perhaps summarise it as follows:
1. We are directed to the canon of writings which has been recognised by the church. However, the canon does not derive its authority from the church, but from the object to which it bears witness (God's revelation); for this reason, whilst we are to hear and respect the church in its description of the canon, ultimately we can only regard this description as having limited and relative authority. The real and absolute authority belongs to God himself. (473-481)
Briefly, the rest of the list is as follows:
2. When we talk about Scripture, we are talking about the Old and New Testaments, which find their unity in the object of their witness (namely, God's revelation). (481-485) This section deals in the language of expectation and recollection which is so important to Barth's doctrine of Scripture, on which more below. The main point here, though, is about the unity of the Scriptures, which corresponds to "the unity and holiness of God in his revelation" (482), a unity which can only be perceived when one is grasped by revelation, which is to say, by Jesus Christ. Barth is therefore suspicious of any and all attempts to present a schematic or system to display this unity. It will be seen in encounter with Christ or not at all.
3. The Bible itself establishes the doctrine of Holy Scripture by reference to the prophetic and apostolic office held by the original witnesses. (485-492). Scripture bears a general and implicit witness to its own authority by virtue of the fact that here and here only do we find witness to God's revelation (this is not quite a circular argument; it requires the self-witness of God by the Holy Spirit). But it also explicitly speaks of its own authority by reference to "certain specific men" who "stand within the Bible" (486). Passively, these men saw and heard God's revelation; actively they were commissioned to proclaim it (490). In them - by virtue of their office, and not any human quality they possess - the circle of revelation is already opened up to include humanity. I found this really helpful; I think in my tradition the prophets and apostles are played down in importance, with the Bible as a book played up instead. But actually it is the prophets and apostles in their relation to revelation who make the Bible, literally.
4. Because the Bible includes within its sphere the prophets and apostles, there can be no getting at the content of revelation except in the form of their witness. (492-495). It is no use trying to extract some sort of kernel of pure revelation from the husk of the prophetic and apostolic witness. Nor can we somehow directly access the history of revelation that stands behind this witness. Because revelation is contingent and genuinely historical, not some general principle, we can only receive it in the historical form of this first witness, in their words.
5. These original witnesses, because of their office and role, are distinctly set apart from the rest of the church, and their witness is really Holy Scripture because it stands over against the whole church as an authoritative foundation. (495-502). It is of course true that Scripture is a set of human documents, with all the historical, cultural, and personal contingency which that implies. In this sense, the Bible stands in continuity with all other human documents. But if we read it only in this way, we miss its essential character as witness. By virtue of this witness, Scripture "too can and must - not as though it were Jesus Christ, but in the same serious sense as Jesus Christ - be called the Word of God: the Word of God in the word of man, if we are going to put it accurately." (500) Barth explicitly develops the Chalcedonian parallel here: the Bible, without ceasing to be wholly a human book, is also wholly a divine book, by virtue of the revelation to which it bears witness. This means there can be no question of a series of sources of revelation, or of the possibility of placing the Bible alongside other church documents or preaching. It stands over against and above all of them, as genuine holy. Incidentally, Barth has things to say to those who want to oppose a 'living faith' in the church to a 'dead letter' in the Bible: in fact, the church only lives and thrives when it is wholly under the Word of God in Scripture. "Death usually reigns in the church" when this is absent (502).
6. Because the authority of Holy Scripture is ultimately the authority of God's own revelation to which Scripture bears witness, we cannot claim any control over this authority, but can only live as those who have heard and expect to hear again God's Word in these texts. (502-506) For Barth, this derives from the structure of Scripture itself, which is characterised by expectation and recollection (see 2 above). It also derives from the freedom of God in revelation, and the nature of the texts as witness. They can only point to revelation, testify to it; they cannot in and of themselves bring it about that revelation occurs in the present. Therefore the whole of theology, and indeed the whole preaching and worship of the church, "circles around" the event of God's revelation, unable of itself to make this revelation present but always living in memory and expectation of it. This, perhaps, is the life of faith.
That last point is alarming to many evangelicals, who want Barth to give a straight answer. They hold up the Bible and ask: well, is it the Word of God or not? All of this talk about revelation coming or not, circling around - how does that not just muddy the waters, diminish our confidence in Scripture?
I hope that the rest of the context here shows that Barth absolutely does want to pin us to the Bible, to secure for Scripture the place of unique authority, the one place where God is to be sought and found. But I think Barth's return question to the anxious evangelical might be: why do you need to pin this down in this way? Do you not trust God - the faithful God to whom that Bible in your hand bears witness? Why do you need to be in possession of God's Word, rather than always receiving it?
I think there are lots of things going on here which cause the different perspectives - it would be good, for example, to work in the doctrine of illumination here and the role of the Spirit, and see if we couldn't show that in slightly different conceptual ways both Barth and the conservative evangelical want to safeguard the same things. But I think there is a lot in Barth that we could helpfully learn from here.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
On liturgy, for the non-liturgical
Monday, July 11, 2022
Reader Response: Church Dogmatics ch III (2)
The next subsection carries the title 'Scripture as the Word of God', and opens with a helpful summary of where we've got to so far: "If what we hear in Scripture is witness, a human expression of God's revelation, then from what we have already said, what we hear in the witness itself is more than witness, what we hear in the human expression is more than a human expression. What we hear is revelation, and therefore the very Word of God." (473) How is this the case? Well, put a pin in that question. First of all, Barth wants to clarify and expand our understanding of Scripture as a witness, and he initially does so in a list of (I think) 6 points. We'll only get to the first one today, but hopefully the others will move along a bit faster!
Point 1 clarifies that when we are talking about Holy Scripture, we are talking about the canon of books acknowledged in the church. It is not for us as private individuals to go around making judgements about the scope and extent of the canon; rather, we receive and acknowledge the canon that our spiritual forebears have recognised. Barth is at pains to point out, however, that this certainly does not mean that the church historically had the right to decide the canon. The church cannot "give the Canon to itself." (473). It can only recognise that which is given it by God, and therefore all its decisions on this matter, whilst important, are nonetheless merely human and therefore to some extent provisional decisions. We do well to listen to the judgement of the church in this matter, but we don't believe the Scripture because of the church's judgement. "When we adopt the Canon of the Church, we do not say that the Church itself, but that the revelation which underlies and controls the Church, attests these witnesses and not others as the witnesses of revelation and therefore as canonical for the Church." (474)
For those unfamiliar with the Church Dogmatics, just to note that if you ever read it you'll find some in a normal typeface, and some sections in a much smaller font. The main line of thought is presented in the larger and more accessible text, but the detailed argument, exegesis, and citations in the smaller text. The small text parts of this section are largely historical. Barth notes that "the establishment of the Canon has a long and complicated history." (473) Certainly it was controversial in the early centuries, and became so again at the Reformation. Against the Roman view that the authority of Scripture derived from the church - Barth notes that some Roman apologists even argued that Aesop's Fables would be Scripture if the church so declared (475) - the Reformers saw the role of the church as like the Samaritan woman of John 5, who merely directed those in the town to Jesus; the church directs people to the canon, but does not make the canon. However, at the same time, the Reformers almost unanimously wanted to remove the Apocrypha from the canon, and some wanted to reopen the question further: Luther had serious doubts about various New Testament books (Hebrews, James, Jude, Revelation), and he was far from alone (476-7).
Barth notes helpfully that even where the question of the canon is not regarded as open, there can be - and perhaps almost always is - a functional 'canon within the canon', where greater stress is laid on one part of the Scriptures than another. Perhaps the New Testament is privileged over the Old, or the Gospels over the Epistles (think of the treatment of the Gospel Book in liturgical churches). It is useful to repeatedly ask "whether we do not neglect essential parts of the witness of revelation to the detriment of our knowledge of the Word of God" (478) even when the whole canon is formally acknowledged.
Nevertheless, for Barth the question of the canon must remain at least in principle open. He considers that the attempts of Protestant Orthodoxy in the 17th Century to definitely close the question end up circling around to the old Roman answer: that the church has the authority to decide the canon. For Barth this will not do. Whilst there may be no question of the church - and certainly no question of any individual - actually changing the canon, to preserve the truth that its authority derives not from human pronouncements but from the Word of God to which it bears witness, the question must not be in principle closed.
What is Barth trying to do here, and why this disturbing conclusion? I think here, as throughout volume I of the Church Dogmatics, Barth is trying to walk a narrow path of Reformed theology, with a deep and dangerous ditch on either side: to the one side, Roman Catholicism; to the other, Neo-Protestantism, what we might call liberal theology. To say that the church defines the canon will lead us off to Rome; ultimate authority then shifts from the Word of God in Scripture to the church as an institution. For Barth the great peril here is that the church ceases to listen to God, and becomes merely engaged in a conversation with itself. On the other hand, the individual may decide the functional canon for themselves, or perhaps a group of individuals or congregations will do so. This is Neo-Protestantism in the sense that it makes human beings the judge of what must be received as God's Word. Whilst the one ditch is institutional, and the other feels very free and individualistic, they are basically the same error. In both cases, authority derives from somewhere other than God. That is why Barth has to leave the question open: to demonstrate that the only person who can close the question is God, just as the only person who can cause the witness of Scripture to decisively rule in the church and in the individual life is God himself.
Friday, July 08, 2022
Psalm 110 and the cross of Christ
And so the Apostle, looking out across the nations, sees them filled with corpses, those slain by the judgement of God executed by - and miraculously, marvellously, in - the Messiah. This is why the nature of his victory requires a Priest-King, after the order of Melchizedek: his great Kingly triumph over the nations is a Priestly sacrifice of himself.
Monday, July 04, 2022
Reader Response: Church Dogmatics ch III (1)
Just a reminder that we're in Church Dogmatics I/2, and numbers in brackets are page numbers.
The heading of the first section of the chapter is 'Scripture as a witness to divine revelation'. For some, alarm bells will already be ringing - is this not what we've heard about Barth? That he pries apart Scripture and revelation, such that the Bible is merely a witness to revelation rather than revelation itself?
Well, try to quiet the alarm bells briefly, and let's consider what it is that he means by this. Essentially, it is a question of the appropriate hermeneutic to bring to Holy Scripture.
Firstly, let's put this section in context. Barth reminds us that the purpose of theology is to ask whether the proclamation of the church corresponds to God's revelation, "or, concretely, the question of the agreement of this proclamation with Holy Scripture as the Word of God." (457) The preceding sections have looked at God's revelation as the presupposition of both Scripture and proclamation - its objectivity in Jesus Christ, its subjective opening by the Holy Spirit - but this has already been drawn from the Scriptures. That is to say, for Barth there is no getting behind Scripture to an idea of revelation that does not itself derive from Scripture. The Bible is established as a sign that points beyond itself to "a superior authority confronting the proclamation of the Church" - and that authority is the Word of God. The Bible "has attested to us the lordship of the triune God in the incarnate Word by the Holy Spirit."
So when Barth says that the Bible is a witness to divine revelation, he means first of all that the existence of the Bible points to the God who stands over and above the preaching of the church. It is on this basis that theology can, and indeed must, continually ask the central question of church proclamation: does your preaching conform to Scripture? Does it attest, therefore, the lordship of the triune God?
But there is an "undoubted limitation" introduced here in Barth's view of Scripture: "we distinguish the Bible as such from revelation. A witness is not absolutely identical with that to which it witnesses." (463) Now here we see a classic Barthian move, a piece of dialectical theology. Because within a few lines of writing that we distinguish the Bible as such from revelation, he is able to write that "in this limitation the Bible is not distinguished from revelation. It is simply revelation as it comes to us..." What is going on here? Essentially Barth is calling us to pay attention to the way in which the Bible is revelation to us. It is a human word, multiple human words in fact, which attest to something beyond themselves. The Bible is not revelation as it came once to the prophets and apostles; but as the word and witness of those prophets and apostles, the Bible is nonetheless revelation to us who were not there.
At this point I can sense the impatience. Why all this 'yes, and no'? Why not just be plain and unequivocal in declaring that the Bible is God's word?
I think there are a number of things going on here, although only one is really developed in this context. Briefly, I think Barth is seeking to safeguard the doctrine of Scripture against what we might call the Quranic error. For Muslims, the Quran is eternal, timeless - and this causes some theological difficulty in describing its relationship to God. In Christian theology, it is not the Bible but the Lord Jesus who is the eternal Word of God, and he is this because and as he is himself fully God. So in a sense Barth's position is about the uniqueness of Christ.
A second point, again more my reflection than anything Barth explicitly discusses here, is that redemptive and revelatory history really matters for our view of God. Barth does not want revelation so bound up in the pages of Scripture that it is no longer about what God has done and said in the history of the covenant, and especially in the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the main point he actually develops here is, as noted above, a hermeneutical one. Because Scripture is a human word, Barth insists, it must be read as a human word, in all its historical and cultural specificity. And yet, because it is witness, it must be read not as an enclosed artifact, but for the sake of the subject matter to which it bears witness. Here he clearly has in view much of the critical, academic reading of Scripture, which wants to ask all sorts of questions about the prophet Isaiah, or the apostle Paul, and their times and circumstances, and even the nature of their faith - but does not want to ask or to be answered about the one thing Isaiah and Paul et al actually want to talk about, which is God in Christ. Barth is making the point that because the Bible as a human word is a word of witness to God, we are not genuinely reading it as a human word unless we allow it to tell us about God. Paying attention to the Bible means paying attention to the God of whom the Bible speaks.
For Barth this is not some special biblical hermeneutic. It is just hermeneutics in general. To listen to someone is to listen to what they are saying, and to allow what they are saying to take control. We do not respect anyone if we receive what they are saying as material to think about their character or whatever but don't allow the subject of which they are speaking to have any impact upon us. It is perhaps characteristic of us sinners that we typically hear "as though we know already, and can partly tell ourselves what we are to hear. Our supposed listening is in fact a strange mixture of hearing and our own speaking, and in accordance with the usual rule it is most likely that our own speaking will be the really decisive event." (470). It is only if we really pay attention to the subject that we can even partly escape this sinful hermeneutic, and that is equally true of any human word.
The unique thing that is brought by the biblical witness to this hermeneutic is not, then, that it requires a special way of reading. Rather it is that it demands the attentive reading which is actually due to every human word - and unlike every other human word, it does not only demand or request our attention. "God's revelation in the human word of Holy Scripture not only wants but can make itself said and heard." (471). In the Bible, human witnesses show themselves to have been utterly overcome by the subject matter; they do not in fact speak of themselves or their circumstances, but they only bear witness to God in Christ. And in our reading of the Bible, this same 'gripping' can occur, when God himself causes us to see and hear his revelation in the words of the prophets and apostles.
This account will be developed further as we go. But already I hope we are seeing, whatever we think of Barth's account in detail, something of the powerful expectation of encounter with God in the Scriptures. That for me is the most exciting thing about his explication of this doctrine, and it has certainly shaped by own understanding and practice in beneficial ways.
Thoughts? Questions?